Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes of 2/25/09

Amended and Approved 3/4/09


Planning Board Attendees

Arnold Cohen, Chair 

Susan Price

Paul Lauenstein, Vice Chair  

Amanda Sloan  

Eli Hauser, Clerk 



Peter O’Cain, Town Engineer, Consultant



Peg Arguimbau – Conservation Commission



Meeting Initiation

Chair Cohen began the meeting began at 7:30 PM.


Form A

Peg Arguimbau of the Conservation Commission came before the Board to discuss a Form A that concerns the Massapoag Sportsmen Club and the Town of Sharon conservation land. Basically, Ms. Arguimbau said that the Town land is sandwiched between the Sportsmen’s Club land and the Conservation Committee wants to swap land with the Club to form better lot lines. A greater amount of land will be given to the Town. Mr. O’Cain indicated he performed a review of the Form A and said it complies with the subdivision rules. It is a win-win situation for all.  Mr. Lauenstein moved to accept the plan as not requiring approval under the subdivision control law. Ms. Sloan seconded the motion and the Board voted 5-0-0 in favor of approval.


Sign Reviews



Open Space Recreation Planning Committee

Ms. Sloan provided the Board with a copy of a public comment letter that she prepared on behalf of the Planning Board as requested by the OSRP regarding their plan. A brief discussion ensued amongst the members regarding the letter and Mr. Lauenstein moved to endorse the letter to the Open Space Recreation Planning Committee dated 2/27/09 recognizing the plan as a comprehensive, useful and informative tool that will provide excellent overall guidance to the Town as it weighs open space and planning options into the 21st century. Mr. Hauser seconded the motion. The Board voted 5-0-0 in favor of issuing the letter.


Both Mr. Hauser and Mr. Lauenstein expressed their opinions to Ms. Arguimbau regarding specifics mentioned with in the OSRP document. Mr. Hauser asked Ms. Arguimbau to add the waste water treatment plant for P.O. Square as a possible item to pursue.


Ms. Arguimbau thanked the Board for taking the time to review the document. The OSRP document once produced in hard copy will be available in Town  Hall, the library, DPW, with the Conservation Commission and accessible on line via the ConComm website,


Chair’s Report

Mr. Cohen began the Chair’s report at 8:15 PM. He stated that Sharon may be eligible for state grants under the coastal rail project; grant money possibly could be used to pay for a shared septic system for Post Office Square. He also stated that the foreclosure sale of Hunter’s Ridge was postponed until 3/24/09.




Town Meeting

Mr. O’Cain said he will rework Article 6 regarding Johnson Drive for Spring Town Meeting. He will also obtain a copy of the deed to the property. Mr. Cohen said the Sharon Housing Partnership may be interested in the land or the Town could sell the land to a private party. Mr. Hauser said the reasons for the article should include correctly drawing the road, getting the County to release the road, and allowing the SHP to use the land. Mr. O’Cain will include technical talking points in the article. Mr. O’Cain will forward new language to Attorney Gelerman to confirm the correctness of the language. References to abandonment have been removed from the proposed article.  Mr. O’Cain also mentioned he will write a letter to Mr. Sadek, owner of the Johnson Drive property, informing him that his driveway is located on Town-owned land.


Meeting Minutes

Mr. Hauser moved to approve the minutes of 1/21/09 as amended. Mr. Lauenstein seconded the motion. The Board voted 5-0-0.


The approval of the 2/4/09 minutes was postponed until next meeting.


Meeting dates

3/11/09, 3/25/09, 4/8/09, 4/29/09


Other Business

1. Ms. Levitts will email Mr. Cohen, asking him to discuss the removal of the copy of the Sign Bylaws from the Zoning Bylaws with Attorney Gelerman.


2.  Mr. O’Cain will review the colors of the sign posted on Pond Street for the optometry office to ensure the historic color palette was adhered to.


3.  Mr. O’Cain stated that Mr. Houston is working on writing language for the Route 1 Light Industrial project for Mr. Mackie.


4. Approval from the Attorney General has not yet been received therefore the Bylaws cannot be updated with the Fall Town meeting changes (Article 4).


5.  Ms. Sloan provided the Board with information on a project from the 1990’s in Connecticut in which permeable pavers were used. She provided this example in response to federal low impact guidelines and how this development was produced as a low impact development.


6. Mr. Lauenstein discovered an eight minute video on the EPA website regarding rain gardens, green roofs and cisterns and recommended this to the Board.


7. Ms. Price shared an article regarding the proposed new community planning act zoning statutes. She will research this topic and provide additional information.


Meeting Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM. Mr. Lauenstein moved to close the meeting and Mr. Hauser seconded the motion. The Board voted 5-0-0 in favor.